Senin, 25 April 2016

Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer: I want to regain the people's trust


Signs on the way to Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer's house offer harsh words for the man who could take the helm in the South American country if its President is impeached. Posters along the route say "golpista," Portuguese for "coup monger."

It's an accusation President Dilma Rousseff has made as well, slamming the push to impeach her as a coup and calling Temer a conspirator in the plot.

That description isn't fair, Temer told CNN in an exclusive TV interview on Monday.

"There isn't a coup in this country. There isn't any attempt to violate the Constitution," Temer said, adding that 62% of Brazilians are in favor of Rouseff's impeachment.

As Temer spoke with CNN from Jaburu, the heavily guarded vice presidential palace designed by famed Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, there was a constitutional law book open on his desk.

"What conspiracy am I leading? Do I have the power to convince 367 members of congress? More than half of Brazil's population," he said. "I think the President is wrong on this point as well."

Rousseff and Temer, a 75-year-old attorney known as a backroom negotiator, forged an alliance with support from his Brazilian Democratic Movement Party. Together, they rose to power with the blessing of Rousseff's mentor, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

But that alliance is the latest casualty in a rapidly fracturing political landscape as a growing political scandal shakes Brazil's government just months before the country is set to host the Olympics.

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