Jumat, 29 April 2016

Trump's Supporters, Opponents Clash in California

Several people were arrested Thursday night as police broke up clashes between supporters and opponents of controversial U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Southern California. 

At one point, police in riot gear and on horseback formed a barrier between the two groups outside Orange County's Pacific Amphitheater, where Trump delivered a campaign speech.

The windows of a police car were smashed and several people were injured before the crowd was brought under control.

Earlier Thursday, billionaire business mogul Trump belittled Democrat Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency, saying she would not have a chance except for the fact that she is playing the "woman's card" in hopes of becoming the first female U.S. president.

The real estate developer told NBC News, "She's playing that card like I've never seen anyone play it before.  All I'm doing is bringing out the obvious, that without the woman's card, Hillary would not even be a viable person to even run for a city council position."

It was Trump's latest gender-related attack on the likely Democratic presidential nominee, the wife of former president Bill Clinton and a former senator and secretary of state in her own right.  After winning five state Republican nominating contests and taking command of the party's nominating race earlier this week, Trump said that if Clinton were a man, she would only get 5 percent of the vote in an election.

"If fighting for women's health care, and paid family leave, and equal pay is playing the 'woman card,' then deal me in," Clinton retorted, drawing cheers from her supporters at a rally in Philadelphia as she celebrated four Democratic primary election victories that moved her closer to clinching the party's presidential nomination.(voanews)

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